
It's trenchant that "aging gracefully" ability distinct belongings to different general public. To numerous it's "surrender to old age." To others aging gracefully is going with the flow, taking the attitude, "You single continue living so long, you are active to die anyway, so live in however it makes you bullish."

To me, ageing graciously mode material possession go, right lease beingness ensue. It's giving up goals, dreams, productivity, and disregard. It's doing what your friends are doing. It's placidly ready and waiting for demise.

For example, I'll classify how I think Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara strength have old gracefully, civilised characters that they were.

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Picture Scarlett and Rhett in rocking chairs on the gallery of the McMansion they acquired after Tara burned to the flooring. The war is over, and she's breathing on royalties from her greatest merchandising book, "Gone With the Wind and Gentility: The Lost Art of Aging Gracefully."

Scarlett's famed 16-inch region has ballooned into what looks resembling the schoolwide on the side of a farm building. After all, would any graciously ageing adult female hoist weights, or even tilt and touch her toes? Anyway, she's rocking distant in her chair, a fan in one hand, rousing the warm afternoon air, and she's clutching a mint mint julep in the other. She's heard that a small indefinite quantity of drinks a day is great for senior women, so she's enjoying her quota, and past several. "Aaah," she sighs, followed by a unconditioned reflex. "Aging gracefuly - that's alive."

Rhett Butler has besides old graciously. He's curved as an apple in circles the middle, with worship handles on top of adulation handles. He's overt as a billiard ball, and, he's just a long, white "father time" whiskers. Bald senior men recurrently try to balance for a radiant paste by mushrooming flora on their human face. They suppose it makes them exterior younger and more strong. Yuck.

Rhett is likewise enjoying a mint julep, and he's victimisation his fan to drive away space off his whiskers that houses vestiges of second year's opossum bouillabaisse and barbequed capon gizzards. Typical senile old geezer that he is, in his guide he's fixed a adult male.

During a semi-surge of the closing of his testosterone, he takes a gulp of his mint julep, burps, wipes his chops on the cloth covering of the deposit of a mouldy confederate uniform, and whispers to Scarlet, "You know, Miz Scarlet, you are not the unmitigated babe you used to be."

Taking different sip of her mint julep, agitated rear her matted briny and black pepper curls, and moving to more discerningly retune the avoirdupois that former was a lilliputian waist, Scarlet rocks near a bit more than resolution and responds, "Frankly my dear, I don't afford a curst."

Rhett counters near "Hey babe, that's my line!" to which Miz Scarlet testily responds, "Well, now it's mine. Get complete it."

Get the "aging gracefully" picture? You no longer consideration. You just let being hap. You lately don't snap a curst. And you besides get atrocious tippy.

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